What grows up must go grey. It’s also true to say grey is the new blonde with colour trends focusing on every shade of grey and all ages daring to get their foxy grey lights on; so what better time than now to wear your silver streaks with pride.
Fun facts about going grey
- 75% of people on the street in Australia have grey hair or some degree of grey hair!
- It’s determined by genetics – resistance is futile! When you're born your genes are already coded with a greying date.
- Grey hair is not limited to your head!
- We can neither confirm nor deny if it’s caused by stress – but parents everywhere will lean on the side of stress.
- They’re wisdom highlights and should be worn with pride.
- You can’t stop it but you can own it.
Going grey doesn't mean:
- It’s not a radical journey towards invisibility. Low-maintenance highlights will make the transition from dark to grey gradual and less ageing while allowing you to take charge of how and when it happens.
- It doesn’t equal dowdy. Keep your cut current to keep it chic. Nothing says style like a sharply cut bob or a fun pixie (think Jamie Lee Curtis) with a streak of silver.
- It’s not a reason to give up. Don’t go too long between cuts. It’s the difference between feeling swish and
blandish . - It doesn’t mean you have to embrace yellowish tones. Use a blonde shampoo 1-2 times a month to keep those grey tones from looking too brassy.
- It doesn’t mean you can’t shine.Use riot control oil to tame the frizz and add softness and shine without weight.
- It doesn’t mean your hair takes on the texture of a wire brush. Condition, condition, condition. It’s moisturiser for your hair. Grey doesn’t have to be dry and wiry. Use a hydrating conditioner after every wash and once a month invest some time in a deep intense conditioning treatment to keep your hair nourished and feeling its best.