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Hair changing tricks for fine haired chicks

Hair changing tricks for fine haired chicks

If images of thick braids and expertly curled locks are driving you insane – we hear you!

If the voice in your head’s screaming “it’s not fair” and your fabulous wardrobe feels flat without fabulous thick hair – we know your pain!

We get you because we suffer from fine hair fever too... don’t give up.... we’re with you and we have the ammunition to turn it around.

Let’s start at the beginning.

Washing – game changer & cuticle love 101

Conditioner first – yes you read it right

Condition the ends of your hair, leave for a couple of minutes, rinse and then you’re ready to shampoo your roots.

Rinse again then reapply conditioner to your ends.bhave-magnify-shampoo-finalbhave-magnify-conditioner-final

Final rinse and a gentle pat with your towel to.

Golden rules- Shampoo scalp, condition ends. Say no to vigorous towel drying – it’s cuticle abuse.

Recommendations - Turn up the volume with bhave magnify shampoo and magnify conditioner.

Before drying - styling

Put those fingers to work to get the foundation of your look in place.

Work out your parting and push the hair into the direction it’s going to be sitting.

A handy trick is to push your fingers through your hair onto your scalp, and massage the scalp in small circular motion. This will create lift from the start.

Golden rules- Take your fingers out the way they came in rather than pulling them through your hair and destroying your handy lifting work.

Recommendations -To create maximum volume you can use a product like Salt Spray.


Allow a little natural drying time first then flip that mane upside down and dry with a medium heat – think of it as inverted yoga for your hair.

If you’re feeling the curls get yourself some big fat rollers and get body building.

Fine hair means fast drying so curlers are your secret tool.

Golden rules : Don’t overdo it with your brush. It should only be used very lightly through your roots. Do give your hair a blast of warm air against the direction of hair growth (without too much tension) and then smooth those ends for some va-va-va-voom.


Volume is your friend and gunpowder is your best friend. A few blasts on to your roots with this dynamic volumiser will lift your locks to new levels and banish that oily feel.

If dead straight hair is calling you, grab your mirror and place it on the floor at yougunpowder-dustr feet, flip your mane upside down and run those irons from top to ends. This stops you pulling your hair down and taking all that lovely volume away. Before you flip your hair back up give your roots a cool blast with your hairdryer.

Golden rule – waxes and pastes are not your friends.

Recommendations - gunpowder – it’s the new name for volume! A couple of us here at headquarters also love a touch of fresh ends or a small dollop of riot control oil to keep those pesky fly-aways from taking over.


A couple of us fine sisters here at HQ also love a touch of fresh ends or a small dollop of riot control oil applied sparingly to our frisky ends. It's a great way to keep those pesky fly-aways from taking over.

Great cuts for fine ladies 

The beauty of fine hair is that you can rock any style not too much past your shoulders.

We’re talking blunt – keep those ends crisp and collar bone length unless you have a wave or a curl then don’t be afraid to layer.

We’re talking bobs – I feel a wolf whistle coming on.

Pixie cut – That cut is going to be light and smoking.


The beauty of fine hair is that you can rock any style not too much past your shoulders.

We’re talking blunt – keep those ends crisp and collar bone length unless you have a wave or a curl then 

If you’ve been dreaming of bangs – hell yes bang it up sister – even better pump a little gunpowder into those bangs to give them the lift they deserve.

Golden rules : Don’t let your hair creep too far past your shoulders otherwise it will look ratty rather than radical.

If you’ve appreciated the information here – pass it along to a fine sister in need!

Your hair, Your life, Your rules